What is the EVM?

What is the EVM?

public 2 min read
Ethereum [https://academy.stakedao.org/what-is-ethereum/] is a global, decentralised network [https://academy.stakedao.org/what-is-a-decentralised-network/] which helps people and…
What are Rollups?

What are Rollups?

public 2 min read
The Ethereum [https://academy.stakedao.org/what-is-ethereum/] network is home to thousands of cryptocurrencies [https://academy.stakedao.org/what-are-cryptocurrencies], a…
What is Curve?

What is Curve?

public 2 min read
Cryptocurrencies are usually traded on exchanges, which may be centralised [https://academy.stakedao.org/what-is-a-centralised-exchange] or decentralised [https://academy.stakedao.…
NFT Basics

NFT Basics

public 5 min read
Blockchain-based tokens are not limited solely to (fungible) cryptocurrencies, which are divisible and interchangeable. Each non-fungible token (NFT) is unique,…